
Version 1.16 Released!

CA3 now finds it's own home directory
CA3 will now save the state it was in (party members, tank, follow, etc) when terminated, and will prompt to load the last state at startup.

All-in-all this is a stability update, feature improvement, and allows for the CA3 to become much more than just a PLbot. In future releases, the CA3 will have modules for fishing, tanking, and more!

Nicest feature of the new bot is the autosave when you kill it. When you start it back up its as if it was never turned off in the first place. no re-setting up parties anymore! :)

-Added a startup menu to allow for other 'modules' to be loaded
-CA3 will autosave when quitting, and reload when loading, allowing you to restart the bot without reloading all the party members, tank, HP, etc.
-Startup menu has a default checkbox (no-nag feature, delete settings.txt to un-default it)
-Numerous fixes, cleanup attemps

Posted by cgrinds 2006-07-13

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