
#8 Let's move to github


Let's consider to move to github. I think, it's more convenient way to deal with open source projects and I think that many people will help you to develop further this project. I certainly will.

Best Regards,
Igor S.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-30
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Mathieu PARENT

    Mathieu PARENT - 2015-12-16

    I've several patches waiting in the tracker. Maybe github would ease review and merge?

  • chtsanti

    chtsanti - 2015-12-16

    Yep, sorry. I forgot them.
    In the future please if you are not seeing answer for long please ping me...

    About the github.
    After Igors post I make a look into github.
    It is mostly a git repository. You can not have and manage a mailing list here, nor a web site for the project for example.

    On my side I am mostly using bzr branches for c-icap development.
    I make a page on lanchpad, so my branches branched from here:

    The svn is a problem for me too, however because there are not a lot of developers is not a huge problem.

    • If the svn is the problem, if I move the repository to git, or bzr inside sourceforge, do you believe that it will be enough?
    • Which are the extra features and benefits the c-icap will have if moved to github?

    Last edit: chtsanti 2015-12-16
  • Mathieu PARENT

    Mathieu PARENT - 2015-12-16

    Thanks chtsanti, I've pinged you for the patches I use.

    I personnaly prefer git over bzr (not because it is better, just because I use it daily).

    The main pro of github is Pull-requests (PR). With PR, contributors can forward patches easily, and you can merge them very easily.

    Github can also serve web pages, it's called Github pages:

    Github does'nt have Mailing list. you can keep them on SF.

    i don't like how SF deal with issues (i.e why separate bugs and patches ?), +1 if you move to anything else for bug tracking (github, launchpad, gitlab, ...)

  • Mike Detwiler

    Mike Detwiler - 2016-03-01

    +1 for moving to GitHub!

    For all the reasons that Mathieu mentioned.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-08-18
    Post awaiting moderation.


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