
#49 support for compiler profiles?



I also just checked out BVRDE and like it a lot, however I usually need to work with different compilers (multiple versions or cross-compilers), so it would be useful if there was a way to directly configure compiler profiles to be used for a project, as well as an option to dynamically change the active compiler profile within the IDE.

For instance, when compiling my source code via gcc, I may need to compile it afterwards using a gcc cross compiler to create Win32 binaries (mingw32).

Supporting this sort of scenario would be very useful to me


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    yes, a way to configure tool profiles would also be useful in order to be able to optionally make use of distcc or ccache

  • Bjarke Viksøe

    Bjarke Viksøe - 2010-03-14

    I understand what you are saying, but let me note that some of the requests (such as distcc) can be solved simply by expanding the use of your makefile setup, or even the External Tools menu configuration.

    Still, the ability to toggle between compilers by ie. expanding the configuration dropdown (Release/Debug) would be useful.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    agreed, use of distcc or ccache could be just triggered by setting a corresponding environment variables

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    it would be useful if there was an option to specify and configure different output directories for different compiler profiles, so that object files and other binaries (libs) don't end up in the same folders

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I second that support for compiler/build profiles would be useful for cross platform development/compilation purpose

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Actually, I understand this request very well because Apple's integration for distcc is pretty good in the xcode IDE.
    So it can really be made very intuitive. Similarly, providing a way to configure and use ccache (if available) would also be useful. A GUI frontend/dialog can go a long way for such things, because people won't have to edit Makefiles manually.

    Parallel make files + "ccache distcc" can be a pretty powerful combination for building large projects (linux kernel, qt, gcc, firefox).

    Providing hooks to configure and use these tools would be very helpful. XCode is a good example of how well this can be done.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I can relate to this, I am using BVRDE under Windows for doing cross platform development on a Linux machine that is running under coLinux ( ) - having support for multiple compiler configurations would be very useful.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I second this request, it would be VERY cool to have, especially if well integrated with the GUI. At work we are on Windows, however we do develop cross-platform software. Ideally, it would be possible to install BVRDE together with CoLinux to do cross-platform development this way.
    Also, people doing Symbian or IPhone development, usually also need to have nix running, too. So if the corresponding cross-compilers and SDKs could be well supported and integrated, this would be a VERY cool thing indeed!


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