
How to send input to the application being debugged?

Roy Hann
  • Roy Hann

    Roy Hann - 2014-03-18

    As part of my debugging I need to access the session temporary SQL tables that my application creates. I wrote a little ad hoc SQL monitor function that I can invoke from GDB which executes in the context of the DBMS session where the temporary tables are created.

    My monitor reads an SQL statement from stdin to execute in the DBMS. When I run it stand-alone it reads my input correctly and the SQL is executed.

    When I run it in BVRDE whatever I type is prefixed with "232-interpreter-exec console" so if I type select * from session.joins I end up sending prepare stmt from 232-interpreter-exec console "select * from session.joins" to the DBMS, which is rubbish obviously.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Bjarke Viksøe

    Bjarke Viksøe - 2014-03-19


    Unfortunately I think the current debugger interaction always tries to convert the input with the interpreter-exec syntax. To drive user input, GDB is usually just set up to use a file to redirect some stdio.


  • Roy Hann

    Roy Hann - 2014-03-19

    Thanks Bjarke. Since it sounds like I'm not overlooking the "correct" way to do it and I can count on the prefix being there, I can easily tweak my monitor to strip it off.

    Many thanks for a very useful tool BTW. I was apprehensive that BVRDE was a dead project but really it seems it's just very stable. (Maybe you should post a trivial update just to keep it fresh in the public eye! :-)


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