Sanyal - 2013-05-23

Hi Julien and others,

Again trying to instal the tracker and analysis packaged on a new machine (Windows-XP x64). I have downloaded your sample files and have some recordings of my own. The error messages are the same for both data sets so it doesn't look like it's the data that's the problem. Also, I have installed the newest version of R and have all the required packages. Here are the error messages:

For Analysis_v3.1, mta_all.rgg, the files get loaded, but the error is:

Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : cannot open the connection
Calls: source ... source -> withVisible -> eval -> eval -> save -> gzfile
In addition: Warning message:
In gzfile(file, "wb") :
cannot open compressed file 'C:/Program Files/Buridan/BuridanTracker_Windows/BuridanTracker/data/Sample data/flydata/flydata/output//8_.last_session.RData', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Execution halted

For CeTrAn4.01, CeTrAn.rgg, the files don't get loaded at all, and the error is:

Error in setwd(outputpath) : cannot change working directory
Calls: source -> source -> withVisible -> eval -> eval -> setwd
Execution halted

Any help is greatly appreciated!!
