
Buoy 1.8 beta

  • Peter Eastman

    Peter Eastman - 2007-01-20

    A beta of Buoy 1.8 is now available:

    Here are the changes since 1.7:

    BScrollPane now uses a JScrollPane as its component, which should mean that it does a better job of picking up the native look and feel.

    WidgetContainer.getChildren() now returns a Collection instead of an Iterator.

    I've reworked the way frames and dialogs decide when to layout their contents, which should make live resizing work correctly under Windows.

    DockingContainer now provides a resetToPreferredSizes() method.

    I fixed a bug in BuoyComponent which caused it to sometimes not call layoutChildren() on a WidgetContainer inside it.

    I fixed a bug in BStandardDialog which caused its contents to sometimes be layed out incorrectly.

    I implemented a workaround for a Sun bug which caused cells in a BTable to sometimes go into edit mode when they shouldn't.

    I implemented a workaround for an Apple bug which caused Buoy to throw an exception when running under WebStart on OS X.


    • Lachlan O'Dea

      Lachlan O'Dea - 2007-01-23

      The only issue I've noticed so far is that calling BFrame.layoutChildren() doesn't cause my glass pane to repaint anymore. Not sure if that's actually a problem though, and it was easy enough to find an alternative method.

      Live resizing on Windows is very nice.

    • francois guillet

      I've updated Balise for Buoy 1.8 and I witnessed a behavior I can't explain :

      When saving a frame that has a titled BOutline (using outline.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "text" ) ) ), I get the following error :

      java.lang.InstantiationException: sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource
      Continuing ...
      java.lang.RuntimeException: failed to evaluate: <unbound>;
      Continuing ...

      I think it's been going on for a while (e.g. Buoy 1.7) though I cannot say for sure when it started to happen. Any idea?


      • Lachlan O'Dea

        Lachlan O'Dea - 2007-02-16

        It's hard to see how this could actually be caused by Buoy. The error indicates that sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource may have a persistence delegate that is trying to use a no-argument constructor to instantiate it. However, the only constructor on sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource requires two arguments. So, unless something is screwing with the persistence delegates (unlikely), it looks like a JRE bug to me. Maybe check Sun's bug database.

        • francois guillet

          You're right. The bug is inherent to JSE6, I also checked on Windows.

          I don't know what those 6u1 versions are about. Are they post 6.0 ?


          • Peter Eastman

            Peter Eastman - 2007-02-17

            Ok then, if this is a Sun bug that they've already fixed, I'm not going to worry about it.  So I'll go ahead and release Buoy 1.8.


    • Peter Eastman

      Peter Eastman - 2007-02-14

      I tried to reproduce this without success.  Here's the Beanshell script I used:

      import buoy.xml.*;
      outline = new BOutline();
      f = new BFrame();
      f.addEventLink(WindowClosingEvent.class, f, "dispose");
      out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      WidgetEncoder.writeObject(f, out);

      The message about PrintColorUIResource suggests this may be a Look-and-Feel specific issue.  Which L&F are you using?  If you switch to a different one, does the problem go away?


      • francois guillet

        The error still occurs when using default Metal/Ocean theme. As a matter of fact, I use Balise with this theme (can't remember why, there was a reason for not using GTK at the time). So the error happens both with GTK and Ocean LaFs.

        I use JDK 1.6.0, I have to check a Fedora Core 4 at work with 1.6.0b2.



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