
bugwerk / News: Recent posts

Maintenance release 1.3.1 available.

Maintenance release 1.3.1 is now available.

Site & downloads have been updated.

Posted by Philipp 2007-07-03

Release 1.3.0 available, first BugWerk release as OSS.

This is the first release of the BugWerk Incident Reporting Framework as (GPL-ed) Open Source Software!

BugWerk is a modularized set of programs and libraries that form an incident reporting infrastructure, enabling applications to catch, collect and report application hickups - thus closing the gap between the applications and the developer.

This project tries to offer an approach that is platform independent, automized and based on established technologies, interfaces and existing tools. All components of the infrastructure are independent from each other but are designed toward an easy integration and coupling.... read more

Posted by Philipp 2007-06-14