
3.0 Stable Released

I am proud to announce the release of the 3.0 Stable branch of Buddi This version is the result of almost 5 months of active development, and includes many new features and changes. The data model has been re-written from scratch, along with most of the user interface. Some of the major changes are listed below; for a complete list, please view all changes in the 2.9 Development branch.
-Much more powerful budgeting capabilities. You can now specify different budgets for different months, as well as have multiple budget periods (e.g., Month, Quarter, Week, etc) for different budget items.
-Many improvements to the user interface, and the UI architecture
-Complete re-write of the backup / restore interface
-New plugin API, which models the actual data much more closely than before, and should allow for more powerful plugins
-New installer for Windows, which can set up Buddi and associate data files, translations, and plugins with the program.

I hope that everyone finds this new version as useful as I do.

Merry Christmas!

Posted by Wyatt 2007-12-25

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