
Version Pre-release: Testers Needed!

Today I found a bug in the data model architecture, which can cause problems if you change the time zone on your data file. The problem was related to time zones; for a complete description of the problem, you can see the bug report for bug #1811038 []. I have fixed it in SVN source for The pre-release of this is currently on the Builds [] page.

If anyone is willing to help test this pre-release, I would greatly appreciate any and all who are willing to test this. If you are one of these, please read on for more details about what I did, and what I am looking for.

To fix it, I have made a bunch of data model changes to the code involving dates. In particular, I need to ensure that existing files will load correctly, and that you can then save the new file without any exceptions being thrown. Once the new files are saved, please exit and re-launch to verify that they are able to be read. If you get any exceptions thrown (they will show up in Buddi.log), please email me with the complete stack trace and log file.

As for what I did: the complete list of changes are included in the Changelog; in short, I have changed how I store Dates, to only record the year / month / day (and not hour / minute / second / millisecond). Because of these changes to the data file, you cannot open files saved with this release in earlier versions of Buddi. I have tested it extensively and it looks to be good for my data (both test files and production files), but please back up any production data before you use it! (I have also added code to automatically back up the file before opening it, but it is better to have one too many backups than one too few!).


Posted by Wyatt 2007-10-10

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