
#234 Scheduled Transactions in past not added


I have recently upgraded to your latest version having only discovered your product a few weeks ago. Previously when I entered a scheduled transaction that began in the past it automatically added the transactions in against the relevant account. now it seems to not be adding them in any more. also unchecking the ends after box seems to be ignored as when I go back to edit them it is ticked.

still getting to grips with the product but have to say apart from this I think its great.




  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2008-10-17

    Hmm... I have just done some tests using the latest build (, and it appears to be partially working. I have done the following test cases, on a new file:

    1) Create an account 'Foo'.
    2) Create a scheduled transaction effective from 2008/01/01, ending on 2008/9/01 (YYYY/MM/DD), running on a monthly frequency, on the first day of each month.
    3) Success - there are 9 transactions in Foo, from 2008/01/01 to 2008/09/01 inclusive.

    1) Create account 'Bar'.
    2) Create a scheduled transaction from 2008/01/01 to 2008/05/01, with same options as test #1
    3) Success - there are 5 transactions.

    1) Create account 'Baz'
    2) Create scheduled transaction from 2008/01/01 with no end date, with same options as #1
    3) Partial success - there are 10 transactions. However, if I edit the scheduled transaction again, it does show the end date as being the default (one year from today, 2009/10/17), so that is definitely a problem. I will fix this in the next version.

    As for your first reported problem, this appears to be working. If you can find a situation where it does not work, please let me know - using a new file, list the steps you use to recreate the problem, as I have done above, and I can verify that.


  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2008-10-18

    I have fixed the issue with the end date not being set properly; this will appear in version Thank you very much for noticing this error, BTW!

    As for the other issues, I cannot seem to replicate them on my side. If you let me know the steps to reproduce the error, I can take a look at them; otherwise, I will just close the ticket. I will wait until the first of November 2008, if I have not heard anything by then, I will close the ticket as resolved.


  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2010-11-04
    • status: open --> closed-fixed