
all process ok but results frame is blank

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I get this:

    Scanning folders

    Source: E:\Temp\CEDESES - NO BORRAR\Clasificado\

    Filling medium #1
    Folders to search: 12

    Done! Time: 00:00:00. Left: 812.65 MB

    but bottom frame is blank

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Please read the help on "splitting depth". Put this on a value > 0 and try again.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I had the same problem until I set the media size to 350000, the file system size to 10000, and the allowed waste size to 350000. Now it works fine and doesn't create coasters when I burn to CD.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      More generally, you have to put into "Allowed waste" field the value = "media size" - "file system" (which is auto computed as I can see if you enter a valeur into "allowed waste" >= "media size") ;-)


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