
#30 bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder.


and I wonder why. I upgraded from 2.3 to 2.6.2 and now
I face this problem. It happens always.

I checked the medium size, the original folders, etc...

(I upgraded because v2.3 hanged when many folders were
to be processed)


  • Sander Raaijmakers

    Logged In: YES

    Could you elaborate somewhat more? I have tested it
    thorougly and did not see that problem occur.
    Which OS, size of the folders, parameters for BTTB (such as
    splitting depth...), filesystem, etc..

  • Sander Raaijmakers

    • summary: bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder. --> bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder.
  • Sander Raaijmakers

    • priority: 5 --> 2
    • summary: bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder. --> bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder.
  • Gerard Balagué

    Gerard Balagué - 2003-03-21
    • summary: bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder. --> bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder.
  • Gerard Balagué

    Gerard Balagué - 2003-03-21

    Logged In: YES

    ok, I am using Win98SE (english) with FAT32.

    I attached a snapshot. I tried without group creation and
    without moving, with the same results.

    I also tried with a medium >1TB with the same results, but
    today that test runs successfully.

    I went back to bttb 2.3 and it runs properly with the
    snapshot test, and runs as it should, but can't move folders

  • Sander Raaijmakers

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry but I don't see the screenshot attached.

    What is the size of the folders you are trying to move? (the
    size of the complete directory tree prefereably)

    What is the slackspace you put into the medium?

    What is the size of the medium ?

    What is the cluster size

    etc. etc. etc. I need more details than you have given me now.

  • Sander Raaijmakers

    • summary: bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder. --> bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder.
  • Gerard Balagué

    Gerard Balagué - 2003-03-22

    Logged In: YES

    I see I didn't tick the checkmark for uploading.

    Anyway, I re-installed win98se and now bttb works. I will
    repost if something else arises ;-)

  • Gerard Balagué

    Gerard Balagué - 2003-03-22
    • summary: bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder. --> bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder.
    • status: open --> closed-postponed
  • Sander Raaijmakers

    • summary: bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder. --> bttb reports "Too Big" for every folder.
    • status: closed-postponed --> closed-invalid

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