
run_rxtx.bat not running

  • Peter Zehetner

    Peter Zehetner - 2009-06-08

    Hi Mario

    I´ve a problem using run_rxtx.bat on my pc.
    Nothing happens, no program start since version  BT747_2.X.1364M_full (until BT747_2.X.1382M_full)
    The last version perfetly running is BT747_2.X.1336M_full.
    What make i wrong? Can you help me?
    (run_j2se.bat runs perfectly in all versions, but i like the "normal" version, because i`m using it on my pda too)


    • Mario De Weerd

      Mario De Weerd - 2009-06-08

      I confirm the problem in the 2.X version.

      The problem is related to initialisation of system related stuff inside the java program that can only be solved with a code change.

      I'll fix it.

      I am not convinced that you have an important benefit from using the 2.X version currently when running the 'PDA' version.  I did not add the AGPS functionality yet, the M1000C decoder should be ok (but then you need to have that device).

      In all cases: thanks for reporting.

      Personally I also used the PDA like version on PC but now I use the desktop version because checking the track on a map before actually generating the files is nice and further I more often use my phone to check & change settings/download on the go.

      But of course, I want the PDA version to continue to work.

      • Mario De Weerd

        Mario De Weerd - 2009-06-08 should make you happy.

        Of course, this worked for me in my development environment using the same files!

        A closer look showed that the order of loading classes was different between an unzipped version and the original files - the files loaded by java were exactly the same.

        So I changed some stuff (ensuring the order) and the unzipped version now works for me too so it should work for you.

    • Peter Zehetner

      Peter Zehetner - 2009-06-10

      Hi Mario

      You`re my hero!
      I`m happy. Everything is working perfectly ( believe)
      Thanks a lot for your fantastic work!

      Greetings from South-Bavaria

    • Peter Zehetner

      Peter Zehetner - 2009-07-05

      Hi Maro

      Same problem with the newest dev-version (1448 perfectly running)

    • Mario De Weerd

      Mario De Weerd - 2009-07-05

      Fixed in 1477 - it was another problem.

    • Peter Zehetner

      Peter Zehetner - 2009-07-07

      Perfectly perfect !


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