
Bowling Stats Pro / News: Recent posts

Development Stopped

Due to carpal tunnel issues, I can no longer bowl, nor can I code BSPro further. Development will stop, however I leave the code out here for anyone who feels like completing it.

Posted by Richard Tong 2007-04-09

BSPro Pre-alpha 1 Version Available

I've been coding just about every day for the last week, and BSPro is at a point where you can take a look. You can add locations, leagues, teams, and players, but reports and game scoring isn't implemented yet.

If you try it, let me know what you think, ideas are welcome. Post a reply to this message, or post in the forums, feature requests, bugs, wherever.

Posted by Richard Tong 2006-12-16

Need some input

I have a working version that can record locations, leagues, teams, and players. However, reports and game scoring isn't implemented yet, so I'm holding off on uploading it right now.

I'm designing the reports page, but I need some input as to what it should look like, what it should be.

On the main pages for players, teams, leagues and locations, I will implement clickables so that if you wanted more info on a displayed player, you just click on their name. Likewise, if you click on their wins or losses, you'll get all the games they've played and won. It will be this way for the other pages as well.... read more

Posted by Richard Tong 2006-12-15