
BSPonMPI / News: Recent posts

BSPonMPI version 0.3 released

BSPonMPI 0.3

The main new features are:

- BSPonMPI now uses SCons for building. Check out for downloading.
- Windows port. The library can now be compiled on Windows using any MPI implementation that is available on this platform (MPICH, Microsoft MPI, etc.) The distribution includes solution and project files for MSVC.
- Global DRMA support. This works just like normal DRMA, but allocates memory which is distributed across all nodes:... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2010-05-29

BSPonMPI version 0.2 released

The last few months I was bit occupied with other important things, such as enjoying the sun and rowing in my boat. But now I am used to the nice weather and am able again to concentrate on stuff that really matters: BSPonMPI. The only thing what has been changed, is the main data structure. This resulted in a big performance increase. I took the liberty of comparing BSPonMPI against the Oxford BSP Toolset and PUB and I am very tempted indeed to conclude that BSPonMPI is faster than both its competitors. However there are situations where PUB or the Oxford BSP Toolset are faster. Maybe the most important conclusion of this comparison is the fact that the running time of BSP program which uses BSPonMPI can be predicted better than when it makes use of the Oxford BSP Toolset.

Posted by Wijnand Suijlen 2006-06-29

BSPonMPI version 0.1 released

I am proud to present the first release of BSPonMPI. This software library implements the BSPlib standard on top of MPI.

Main features are:

Platform independence: it is designed to be platform independent and it is already tested and found to run on several different architectures including the dutch national supercomputer and my laptop.

Speed: Benchmark results show that on DRMA 'puts' it is slightly slower than the Oxford BSP Toolset, but it is much faster performing DRMA 'gets' or BSMP 'sends'.... read more

Posted by Wijnand Suijlen 2006-03-24