
Introducing our 2012 GSoC Students

For BRL-CAD's fourth year participating in the Google Summer of Code [1], we expanded our involvement and accepted a record 11 students. Predominantly evaluated on the student's ability to develop, communicate, and interact, their proposals were selected from among more than 50 received as exceptional candidate developers for BRL-CAD. A categorized summary of this year's projects [2] is as follows:

Code refactoring & cleanup
• Ksenija Slivko: source code reduction
• Anoop Malav: image processing infrastructure
• Andrei Popescu: networking library infrastructure

Hybrid modeling support
• Anurag Murty: voxelize geometry
• Laijiren: tessellate NURBS (to polygonal mesh)
• Chris Dueck: volume and centroid extensions
• Wu Jianbang: Dual-representation (Implicit & NURBS) objects

Interface development
• Mesut Oezdogan: portable GUI infrastructure
• Suryajith Chillara: BRL-CAD Benchmark website
• Cristina Precup: visualizing construction hierarchies
• Alex Taylor: physical simulation infrastructure

Our GSoC 2012 page [2] has additional details on the students, development logs for tracking their individual progress, and their summary project pages. See our website announcement [3] for more details.


Posted by Sean Morrison 2012-05-22

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