
#130 mged journal command needs option to save command output

Minor Effort
Tom Browder

Currently the mged journal commands writes the user inputs to the journal file but it does not write the mged responses. A work around is to use mged from the command line and capture output, but that is not always satisfactory. A user option to mged journal (e.g., -r or --response) to also output the mged responses could be very useful in replaying or recovering from modeling errors.


  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2012-01-04

    Sounds like a good idea to me. It could even write the output prefixed with # comment characters so that it would still source correctly as a tcl script. If you look into implementing such a feature, it might work just by registering a logging hook (iirc, bu_log_add_hook()) and then writing the output to the file as it prints or buffering and then writing after the command completes or similar.

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2012-01-04
    • assigned_to: nobody --> tbrowder2
    • status: open --> open-accepted

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