
Unable to view any .pix images

  • Matt

    Matt - 2006-02-23

    Hi, I am running 7.6.6 compiled from sources on Slackware 10.2. First, a huge thanks to all involved with brl-cad, I downloaded a few days ago and am stunned: compiled and installed sweetly, super stable, some of the best docs available for any project, powerful, scriptable and open source! I really think that with a bit more practice I will be modeling and handling assemblies in brl-cad better and faster than I did in Pro/E or SolidWorks.

    But... I cannot view any of the .pix images output from rt (or rtedge, rtwizard). I have tried converting some to ps and png and the resulting image has just a few light marks and does not seem to resemble any part of what I was raytracing.

    1. Do you think brl-cad is outputting corrupted images? (or could it be a problem with a library on my system or something?)

    2. If any has a *working* .pix image created from brl-cad that they could link to or send me it would be much appreciated, so I can see if I can view it on my system.

    3. Any suggestions on how to get an image from rtwizard while avoiding my current .pix problem?


    • srj55

      srj55 - 2006-02-24

      I use the tool pix-png to convert the pictures from pix to png format. They are more easily viewed.

      $ pix-png
      Usage: pix-png [-a] [-w file_width] [-n file_height]
              [-s square_file_size] [file.pix]

    • Matt

      Matt - 2006-02-24

      Awesome, thanks for the suggestion srj55.

      I've got the conversion to png working fine now. I tried it before but I think I may have been trying to convert a 512x512 pix to a 640x480 png or something.

      I still can't view the actual pix files with any of my apps, but thats no problem, the pngs will do the trick nicely.


    • Paul Cobbaut

      Paul Cobbaut - 2006-02-25

      Another solution i got from Sean:

      Convert it to .pnm, both gimp and eog can read it.
      Here an example for a 640x480 raytrace:

      paul@barry:~$ echo "P6 640 480 255" > dbstok.pnm
      paul@barry:~$ cat dbstok.pix >> dbstok.pnm

      pol :)

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2011-05-30

    Very belated reply but:

    1) No, not likely.

    2) There are various examples that install with BRL-CAD in the "pix" directory of a binary installation.  Search for "moss.pix" for example.

    3) The issue is probably the image dimensions.  Unlike .png files, .pix files are "raw" files that don't encode the image dimensions so you have to specify them on the command line unless your image is the default (512x512).



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