
ANN: monoBristol parent interface

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-28

    David Horvath has developed a parent interface for bristol, the GUI lets you configure diverse audio options and then launch the different synthesiser wihout the need for a command line. The program is under development, for people who want to test it a version can be found on

    It is open source and has an entry on sourceforge that will probably be extended over time.

    • Andrew C

      Andrew C - 2009-05-31

      Let's hope that David will keep up with the releases...

      You seem to release a new version bristol every 20-30 days, let's hope David can keep up with the new options/synths that are added.


    • Dacr

      Dacr - 2009-06-01

      I try to keep pace with the new versions. :)


    • Nick Copeland

      Nick Copeland - 2009-06-01

      Yeah, that's a good point. Not every release includes new options but I should make a point of letting you know when there are new emulators and especially when options change that may affect starting the application. This has not happened for a long while now, I mean a long, long while, the last one would have been more than a year ago when the -samplecount option would typically be required for Jack on most systems.

      That actually reminds me that I should change this and automate the check for count and rate for Jack - maybe that needs an enhancement request? I need to build a small binary that just connects to jackd, requests these two parameters and then passes them to the bristol engine.

      David, the only pending change would be the second 'sid' emulator however that is still a way off, ie, it may not actually be the next release and I am not certain if it will be called Melbourne or Canberra yet. Either way, you currently have 'Bristol SID' and the next one will respond to 'Bristol SID2' and use option -sid2.

      BTW, you may want to put this into monobristol to allow it to be started from an arbitrary location:

      BMONOPATH=`dirname $0`

      exec mono "${BMONOPATH}/monoBristol.exe" "$@"

      Regards, Nick.

    • Dacr

      Dacr - 2009-06-01

      I am putting in the ready emulations and functions only into the monoBristol.
      I work already it on the processing of the novelties of 0.40.3. version.

      Nick, thank you for the hint.


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