
Decompile a DOS programm

  • xak2

    xak2 - 2006-03-12

    How can I decompile a programm running in DOS?

    • Gerard Krol

      Gerard Krol - 2006-03-12

      Thanks for your interest in Boomerang. This is what you need to do:

      Get the most recent sources for Boomerang from CVS, compile them, create a symbol file for the EXE, fix some bugs in Boomerang, and then decompile the file. Please submit your changes too Boomerang as a patch.

      - Gerard

      PS. If this sounds too difficult, pay someone to do it for you or wait a few years.

    • Robert Johnson

      Robert Johnson - 2007-06-28

      what is wrong with this ? usen gui version right after decompile there it goes no error nothing just closes out. windows server 2003.
      ent edition.