
Run mohu not Boomerang.

  • Дмитро

    Дмитро - 2015-02-06

    Yes I do not mohu Boomerang home page. I can not start Boomerang.
    Suppose I have downloaded a boomerang. Run mohu not this. That is, it is almost wagon different dll not found, I him three hours they loaded.
    Today- I shoke- he had them even in your folder does not see ... Yesterday saw !!

  • Дмитро

    Дмитро - 2015-02-06

    The procedure entry point? X @ QPoint@@QBEHXZ not found in library DLL QCore4.dll.

  • Дмитро

    Дмитро - 2015-02-06

    now DLL sees, but another problem

  • Дмитро

    Дмитро - 2015-02-06

    Is there anywhere else good, sensible description of decompilation with a boomerang? Three to five examples, clearly, intelligently, as it is better to do.
    And in general,, around the bush told,, namely Boomerang management is not clear at all.