
#3 make failure for GNAT

Code (21)

Makefile in the GNAT directory has an incorrect value
for the CPUID variable.
Attached is a diff between the original Makefile and
the corrected one.


  • George Chapman (LMCO)

    diff of original Makefile with corrected one.

  • George Chapman (LMCO)

    Logged In: YES

    Version 20051222.

  • Simon Wright

    Simon Wright - 2006-04-20

    Logged In: YES

    Is this a 'stopper' for the user?

    Is there a way we can automate this on OS2, Windows? (as we already do for
    Linux, Darwin -- NB Darwin doesn't understand the GNU long options, eg
    uname --machine).

    Would it be 'good enough' to just say for example x86?

    As you can see, Darwin wants to call the CPUID 'powerpc' (don't know what
    happens on Intel Macs), would it be good to accept the native view here? (I
    suppose there are reasons downstream in the Makefiles etc).

  • Simon Wright

    Simon Wright - 2006-04-20
    • assigned_to: nobody --> krischik
  • George Chapman (LMCO)

    Logged In: YES

    Not a stopper for the user.
    Can be automated for Windows but would take some effort on
    my part to figure it out.
    It would be good enough for Windows to pass CPUID from an
    environment variable (i.o.w. have user set CPUID); if
    CPUID is not set, then default to lowest common
    denominator (i386 ?).
    native view - no opinion on PowerPC because I won't try a
    PowerPC VxWorks cross-build for another few weeks; don't
    have a Mac PowerPC or Intel (work & house are
    x86/Windows+VxWorks & Linux).

  • Simon Wright

    Simon Wright - 2016-01-14
    • status: open --> wont-fix
    • Group: --> v1.0_(example)

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