
Problem with new program name

  • theTomaso

    theTomaso - 2010-11-14

    Big mistake putting a colon in the new program name ("fre:ac").
    Folders can't be created with colons in them.
    On my system (WinXP/SP3); instead of being installed into the default location
    (C:\Program Files\fre:ac), the program ended up in a temp folder like this:
    C:\Documents and Settings*****\Local Settings\Temp\33924703\C\Program

  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2010-11-14

    Thanks for your hint!

    That was a problem with the installer I thought I had fixed already. The
    installer is supposed to remove the colon and there was a bug in that routine.

    I replaced the freac-10.17.exe file with a fixed version.


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