
Burning audio CD - 'getting size dialog'

  • Borromini

    Borromini - 2006-09-10

    Hi guys, first of all, congratulations on this marvelous app :-). I have been waiting for this for a long time... First decent GTK burner :D.

    Anyway, I have a question. I run 0.4.90 (with the cdrtools backend still), and when i compose an audio cd, then tell it to burn, the app seems to hang for several minutes. I say 'seems', because after 5-6 minutes the transcoding starts.

    I have run brasero with the debug switch, it does show some activity during the display of 'getting size', i have the impression it seems to transcode already.

    Maybe it would be possible to add something extra to the dialog box, to make it clear the app is doing something?

    Thanks in advance :-)

    • Rouquier Philippe

      This problem is in nautilus-cd-burner use. I'll try to fix that for next version.


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