
BomberClone / News: Recent posts

Version 0.11.8 - Release

Next release of bomberclone, mostly only fixes from bugs.

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2007-12-15

Version 0.11.7

Version 0.11.7 released, includes mostly bugfixes.

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2006-08-15

OGC Server Changed to:

The OGC-Server was moved to another server. The new address is

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2006-03-30

Version 0.11.6

I released version 0.11.6 after a while i fixed alot problems in the version 0.11.5. Also i added broadcasting support. So the game can fine other running local games.

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2005-03-30

BugFix and New powerup

Hi all,

i just put on the Downloadpage the new release of BomberClone. I hope you all have fun playing with it.

bye bye

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2004-02-01

Release Version 0.11.0

After almost three month there is the new release of BomberClone. If you all was asking why it have took me so long. I tryed around with OpenGL but i have put this away after i couldn't get forward with it after a month.

So i changed everything slowly from the old integer model to float, this made it possible to play the game on even slower systems. Rewrote the whole Menu Part. The old BomberCloneMServ is not anymore used, i wrote me a new server able to hold the Gamedata for other games too. For all of you who wanted to play with AI Players in network games, this is now possible since i mage some changes in this network code too.... read more

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2004-01-06

New Version 0.10.1

Hi all,

i just wanted to let everyone know that there is a new bomberclone version. I hope you all will enjoy playing this version of bomberclone.

so have fun all and let me know how it goes with the game.

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2003-09-13

Version 0.10.0

BomberClone Ver.: 0.10.0 have been released. This time now new items to collect in the game. Only some changes like more controll about the network and what is been send to the BCMServ. TekkRat made two new players and a few tilesets for the game.

From now we can support a pseudo 3D style on the tilesets. I hope someone can play with it. A documentstion will you find on the webpage.

And some other work within the source, like gfx engine and map engine. ... read more

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2003-07-29

TileSets and New Player File

I have put some new tilesets and the new player on the webpage for download. In the new Version 0.9.10 i will include these in the Data Package. thanks to Tekkrat for the work on these.

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2003-07-13

BomberClone 0.9.9fix2

I hope with this fix the version 0.9.9 will work much better since we had some problems in the game. Disconnected Network Players will not get any data package. Pushing bombs with the wrong direction illness is working right now. Suicide bug with triggered bombs and bomb laying illness is fixed to.

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2003-07-13

BomberClone 0.9.8 Released

Hi there,

we just put the new version 0.9.8 on the download page. We have put in there some bugfixes which had to do with the keyboard handling, better gfx engine. As new features we have now loadable map support and tileset support.

if someone get still problems please let us know..


Posted by Steffen Pohle 2003-05-12

Beta CVs Version - with Userdefined MAP support

Oky for all who are downloading the source from cvs, we have added now some map support. If you see there any problems with it please let us know.

the windows binary is at :

bye Steffen.

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2003-05-05

BC MasterServer address changed

Hi all there,

i had to change the BC MasterServer address to "". Please change this setting in your BomberClone Config File or in the game settings.

bye bye Steffen

Posted by Steffen Pohle 2003-04-25