
New Name, New Code, New Developer - Meet BH CMS

Bolt Content Manager has been thrown on the scrap heap! We are currently working on a complete re-write of the Bolt Content Manager system. In the first release of BH-CMS, we will have re-coding the PHP to make it more secure, faster to run and have more features. We also hope to emphasise the open source part of the script by encouraging development of plug-ins and skins.

The next edition of BH-CMS, 0.1 BETA, should be available for testing within the next 6 months! We may require people to test this script on their servers when the beta is released, please contact either michaelwhodgson or brucebolt if you would like to help with the testing.

Along with the new name and design, comes a new website. Within the near future, we hope to use Sourceforge to host our website and integrate more fully into the open source community.

We are also hoping to produce an upgrade script for any sites still using Bolt Content Manager.

As before, BH-CMS will be licenses under the GNU GPL for Open Source software.

As we write the script, we will begin to publish feature lists and allow you to say what you would want in the "perfect" content manager.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy BH-CMS upon its release!

Bruce Bolt & Michael Hodgson
Project Admins

Posted by Bruce Bolt 2005-11-22

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