
#510 MacOSX: Silent failure when run from GUI


If is run from the gui, but no bochsrc.txt
file is present. Then bochs tries to display its text
menu. But because bochs wasn't started up from the
command line all it does is send the text configure
interface to the MacOS X console and then shutdown.

From the user's perspective, all they see is the Bochs
icon bounce up and down as it starts, and then
disappear when it fails. No alerts, no messages.

Also, since is being run from the gui, it
should already be aware that the text menu isn't usable.

I see that if no bochsrc file is detected, then quick
start is disabled. I suppose with BX_WITH_CARBON I
could insert another check for isatty, though I'm not
quite sure of the appropriate way to insert a platform
specific call to display an alert box.

Is there a way from that spot to send a message to the
default UI's callback interface?


  • Bryce Denney

    Bryce Denney - 2002-11-23

    Logged In: YES

    I think the right solution in these cases is to use a
    platform specific dialog box to tell the user what to do
    that will actually work. For example
    "Please run Bochs by clicking on the Applescript icon
    instead" or "Please run Bochs by typing 'bochs' at the
    command line instead" or whatever.

    The question of course is where to put this message. Maybe
    at the point where we're just about to call the text config
    interface. I'll think more about it.

  • Bryce Denney

    Bryce Denney - 2002-11-23

    Logged In: YES

    In CVS I have added a function ensure_text_console_exists()
    which is called just before starting the text config
    interface. On any system which does not have a console, the
    ensure_text_console_exists() function should show a visible
    error dialog using whatever library is available and then
    return false to make Bochs quit.

    All we have to do is show a dialog telling the user that
    it's not going to work, and suggesting what they should do
    instead. This isn't as good as creating a console and
    making it work somehow, but it's certainly better than
    silent failure.

    Br'fin, could you make a patch that fills in the
    BX_WITH_CARBON part of that function with a little dialog
    code? I'm afraid it can't reference any code in
    gui/ because that may be stuck in a plugin
    somewhere. We can just put the code right in main() for

  • Jeremy Parsons

    Jeremy Parsons - 2002-11-23

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, I've attached a patch that implements a Carbon dialog
    after checking the tty in ensure_text_console_exists

    I should check, there are probably related issues with
    BX_PANICs at this pre-gui point in bochs. Bochs panics and
    of course can't show anything.

  • Jeremy Parsons

    Jeremy Parsons - 2002-11-23

    Patch implementing carbonFatalDialog

  • Bryce Denney

    Bryce Denney - 2002-11-25

    Logged In: YES

    Brefin, I checked in your patch. Thanks!

    I realized that I might be calling
    ensure_text_console_exists() from the wrong place. The
    condition that you mentioned was "if no bochsrc file is
    detected" but in fact you end up in the text config
    interface even if there is a bochsrc but you did not type
    -q. I think I need to move the call to
    ensure_text_console_exists into gui/ somewhere.

    Two things remain before this can be closed.
    1. Move ensure_text_console_exists to the right place. I
    will do this.

    1. Fill in the SDL-win32 portion of the function, since
      that's the other platform where I know the text console
      cannot be used. The SDL problem could also be solved by
      enabling the WinMain function that I wrote for
      wxWindows-win32. I'll ask Volker to take a look at this
  • Jeremy Parsons

    Jeremy Parsons - 2002-11-25

    Logged In: YES

    Well, Carbon will run right away because there's two checks
    in the carbon code path that check things ahead of time. For
    instance, one path checks for the command line argument
    -psn*, sets up the carbon working directory and turns
    quickstart on.

    Another path, with Carbon & Plugins also does the isatty
    check and turns on quickstart there. (This is because Carbon
    & Plugins may include SDL which prevents the -psn* check
    from occuring)

  • Bryce Denney

    Bryce Denney - 2002-11-25

    Logged In: YES

    Oops, when I wrotemy previous message it was not actually
    checked in yet. Now it is, in rev 1.193.

  • Bryce Denney

    Bryce Denney - 2002-12-05

    Logged In: YES

    Volker, I know you've done some work on SDL in win32. If
    that is working ok for you, please close this bug.

  • Volker Ruppert

    Volker Ruppert - 2002-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    Now there's only a problem with the runtime configuration. If
    you choose "continue simulation" and the gui window receives
    the focus again, all keypresses done on the console are
    forwarded to the gui window. This problem appears only with
    the SDL gui on win32 (with and without plugins).
    The start menu works fine now.

  • Bryce Denney

    Bryce Denney - 2002-12-11

    Logged In: YES

    The remaining problem with SDL keyboard focus is already
    mentioned in another bug report

    [ 526984 ] SDL compiled in cygwin just quits

    So I will close this one. #526984 is not scheduled for 2.0,
    unless someone figures out how to fix it.


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