
#1375 Compilation with linux 4.0


I have:

uname -a
Linux gentoo 4.0.0-gentoo

then at compilation I get:

configure: error: Linux kernel 2.4, 2.6 or 3.x is required for PCI host device mapping

I think it'll be great to fix this version check. I look for this bug here, but didn't find it, sorry if I created ticket for already opened/closed bug. Thanks.


  • Volker Ruppert

    Volker Ruppert - 2015-05-10

    The PCI host device mapping is a very experimental feature and unfortunately not maintained yet. That's why it currently better to remove the --enable-pcidev option from the configuration. This feature worked with Linux kernel 2.4 and 2.6, but I don't know whether or not it is possible to compile the kernel module with version 3.x. There is another related bug report present (#1189), but I don't know the status and there is no Linux kernel expert active here.

    • Alexander

      Alexander - 2015-05-11

      Oh, okay. I compiled bochs with this configuration with 3.17.7 version of kernel and ran it on 4.0, but I didn't test almost everything, so probably something can fail at runtime with this feature. This ticket is too wide, so maybe you can close it.

  • Volker Ruppert

    Volker Ruppert - 2015-10-25
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Volker Ruppert
    • Group: pending --> maybe_some_day

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