
Porting Exile Scenarios

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The 3D Editor totally crashes every time I attempt to port a Blades of Exile scenario to the Blades of Avernum game.  I have a PC with Windows XP, the Exile scenario has been saved beforehand on the Windows version of the Exile editor.

    As far as I can tell it has nothing to do with the individual scenario itself.  Using the official Spiderweb 2D editor always results in a successful port of the relevant scenario.  (Apart from the fact that the special encounters in towns have their x and y coordinates swapped.)

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-04-22

      There is probably something wrong with the build.  Either way, the 3D Editor never changed the porting methods of the 2D Editor, and if it did, there were no real improvements.  You should use the 2D editor for porting.

      Also, these forums aren't especially active.  You should post at the Spiderweb Software forums.


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