
Help: some keymapping error?

  • Sigmund Lahn

    Sigmund Lahn - 2005-05-03

    Hi, I'm kinda in love with boa, and on win32 it works great. However, on my linux box, when editing source, the edior widget for some reason thinks i'm pressing ctrl (so if I want to write a s, instead I save the file). That's a bit annoying.  Any ideas? (no, I dont have this poblem with other apps, even other pyscintilla apps)

    • Werner F. Bruhin

      Hi Sigmund,

      I am just guessing, have a look at Boa Explorer/Preferences/Key bindings under Moduls is the Save option correctly defined as Ctrl-S.

      See you

    • Matt Savigear

      Matt Savigear - 2005-05-04

      This appears to be an issue with earlier versions of boa or wx - the system cannot distinguish between num lock and ctrl. Try switching num lock off.

      I just upgraded from 0.3 to 0.4 of boa, and 2.4. to 2.6 of wx and the problem seems to have gone away.


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