
getting started - visual design

r long
  • r long

    r long - 2008-01-05

    I appear to have installed boa-c correctly (boa-constructor-0.6.1 on top of wxPython2.8-win32-unicode- on top of Python 2.5.1.

    When I start Boa-c, I get the "gui builder", Inspector, and Editor windows.
    As a long time user of graphical IDEs, for me the logical first thing to do is to create a visual app with no logic behind it - a window, some text, some controls, and to hit "go".

    In the docs there is a "design icon", which I presume is the icon which would indicate that I've found and opened the visual builder. I don't see that icon anywhere, nor have I found a way to get to a state where it appears. I haven't found anything in the help or on sourcenet to explain how to do this (must admit Ihaven't searched the forum extensively). Is there documentation someplace that I've missed?



    • r long

      r long - 2008-01-05

      answered my own question. Have to have a frame selected in the editor for the designer icon to appear.


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