
synchronization times out

Kemal H.
  • Kemal H.

    Kemal H. - 2009-03-28


    I am trying to synchronize my icedove contacts on debian squeeze with nokia e51.
    Build worked and I managed to synchronize in both directions, but with only one contact on each side. If I try to synchronize my whole address book (100 entries) it takes a long time and times out at the end.
    I got a bunch of
    BZOpenSync.cpp(1005)GetNumberOfConflicts: Number of conflicts [-1]
    in the trace, but no errors!
    I used the default configuration of syncml-obex-client that comes with bluezync...
    Is there something I need to tweek? Synchro is reeeeeaaalllyyyy slow:)!

    Please help....


    • KaarPoSoft

      KaarPoSoft - 2009-03-31

      I believe this is a problem with the syncml plugin.

    • Kemal H.

      Kemal H. - 2009-04-02


      in the meantime I got it to work...kind of.
      I transfered my contacts with a windows mashine and PC Suite on my phone. Then I deleted the contacts from Thunderbird and started the synchro. In a few seconds all the contacts were transfered from the phone to Thunderbird. Now I can synchonize but what happens is, that the "Pager" field from the phone (I use it for the second mobile number) gets synced to "Work" in Thunderbird. When I start synchro after that, I get conflicts. I can press Ignore and it goes, but still it would be good to set which field is mapped where in the address book and be clean. Do you set the mapping in mozilla-sync plugin? In that case where?
      Could this have caused the first time out problem? It took to long to re-mapp the fields?
      Still didn't get it to sync the calendar. Only events can be synced, is that right?

    • KaarPoSoft

      KaarPoSoft - 2009-04-02

      I think this is two unrelated problems.

      I am still hoping for the syncml guys to fix the first issue:
      Slow sync works fine. Fast sync of one or a few entries works. Fast sync of several entries hangs.

      I will try to look into the second problem with the field mappings.
      The mappings are found in

      "Still didn't get it to sync the calendar. Only events can be synced, is that right? "
      I do not understand. calendar IS events ?!

    • Kemal H.

      Kemal H. - 2009-04-02

      Ok. As soon as you do something about the mappings, I can try it again.
      I can make Meetings, Memos etc on my Nokia. Do they all get synced as events? Or do memos do not get synced?
      That is what I wanted to ask:)

    • Kemal H.

      Kemal H. - 2009-04-04

      I tried syncing the calendar as well. Icedove crashed with

      /usr/src/libsyncml/libsyncml/objects/sml_ds_server.c:1198:E:smlDsSessionGetLocation: Assertion "dsession" failed
      /usr/lib/icedove/ line 131: 14799 Aborted                 "$prog" ${1+"$@"}

      I made a trace of this, as well as of syncing of contacts. I deleted my contacts in Icedove. Synced from the phone, made a trace. Then made another sync with no changes at all, came up with a lot of conflicts. Made a trace of this as well.
      I created a bug with the same name in order to be able to attach the traces.


    • Kemal H.

      Kemal H. - 2009-04-04

      I tried creating a bug but it failed because the traces are too big...Can I upload them somewhere else?

      • KaarPoSoft

        KaarPoSoft - 2009-04-04

        I suggest you report the smlDsSessionGetLocation problem at
        This is where the SyncML experts are hanging out.

        The IceDove problem is a bit strange.
        If you do an initial slow sync, and then sync again, the latter should be a fast sync with no conflicts.
        (But of course, if the sync failed and you try again, it will be another slow sync which could generate conflicts).

        If you cannot attach the full traces (I guess you already tried to bzip2 them), a couple of representative examples of the conflicts you get would be enough.

    • KaarPoSoft

      KaarPoSoft - 2009-04-06

      Hi Kemal,

      Please correct me if I am wrong, but it looks to me that you have the following 3 issues:

      (1) Do a slow contact sync; add a couple of contacts to Thunderbird; do a fast-sync. This times out.
      (2) Do a slow contact sync; then another slow sync; and you get a lot of conflicts
      (3) Do a calendar sync, and it crashes.

      re (1):
      Looks like
      I can recreate the issue.
      I am in contact with the SyncML plugin author, and we are trying to resolve the issue.

      re (2):
      There where two bugs in mozilla-sync, which I have now fixed.
      You can try to update to latest SVN.
      However, I am not sure that this will fix the problem, as there are more issues:

      re (3):
      I could not recreate the exact error message you get, but I get another error, and I believe they ultimately have the same cause.

      I am sorry that things are not working as they should for you.
      Please rest assured, that we are doing what we can to fix the issues.

      Thank you for pointing out the bugs!
      It is great to have people like you to report findings from "the real world".

      I hope you have patience, and will stick with OpenSync / mozilla-sync / blueZync until we have fixed the issues!


    • Kemal H.

      Kemal H. - 2009-04-08


      first of all, thank you for the plugin:)! It's a great thing that somebody is doing it, because Nokia wont! And they don't support Linux...So I am sticking with bluezync, it's great to get feedback from the developer!
      Now to your mail:

      (1) Yes. I solved this partially by deleting the address book from Thunderbird and then uploading again from my phone to Thunderbird.
      (2) Yes. I'll try updating and get back to you during the weekend. Your pdf describes the issue!
      (3) I'll also take a look at this and get back to you.



      • KaarPoSoft

        KaarPoSoft - 2009-04-09

        Hi Kemal,

        It is great to have users like you, who have the patience to report bugs and try again and again after we try to fix the issues!

        I know that blueZync is not exactly stable at the moment-...

        Let's see if we can fix the issues together.

        I - and the OpenSync and SyncML guys - are trying to fix the issue you reported. Please have patience....


    • Kemal H.

      Kemal H. - 2009-04-12

      Hi Henryk,

      just checked out and compiled the last version.
      No conflicts any more! Pager number still gets mapped to Work phone in Icedove, but upon new synchro no conflicts are reported. Thank you for your work!
      It still crashed when trying to syncho the calendar.
      When you get this fixed, it  would be great to look at the mappings. I have a Nokia phone and could look to better match the fields that the phone supports to the mappings in Icedove.


    • KaarPoSoft

      KaarPoSoft - 2009-04-12

      Did you file a bug report on regarding the calendar sync crash?

    • Kemal H.

      Kemal H. - 2009-04-13

      No I didn't. I thought it is already reported.
      Can report it in the next couple of days.

    • Rafael Wüest

      Rafael Wüest - 2009-06-05

      I would really appreciate using blueZync. Though I face exactly the problems you describe here. Is there already any news about the syncml problems?

      Thanks for the development of this tool, very nice. I am looking for this since a long time. Just hope you get the problems fixed.


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