
BlueWonder 0.7.0beta1 released

BlueWonder is a Framework to build all kinds of Content-Management-Systems. Its written in PHP5, supports different types of databases and comes with a XML-based Template-Engine. It will be served with a Workflow-Engine and a role-based access-control.

Today we are very proud to present you the first beta-release of BlueWonder. It comes with a lot of new functionalities and bug-fixes. See attached change-log for more details.

Changelog for 0.7.0 (Beta 1):
- enhanced blwTemplate: values of module-entries are accessible via {<namespace>.<fieldname>} (David)
- added document-size to the profiling-informations (David)
- added config-variable for controlling the profiling-informations (David)
- added blwSysInfo-Module which contains methods for retrieving system informations (David)
- added blw_removeChild_Tag and blw_removeChildTags (David)
- added support for template-controller to blw_loadForm_Tag.php (David)
- added button-class <gui-dir>/templates/text_html/base_skin/main.css (David)
- added class-attribute to button_form_open.tpl and button_open.tpl (David)
- added constant for default-command to the config (BLW_DEFAULT_COMMAND) and added support to blwTemplateEngine (David)
- added isContentModule() to blwModule (David)
- added support for "isContentModule" in module.xml (David)
- added isContentModule($moduleName) and getAllContentModules() to blwModuleHelper (David)
- added getAllContentModules() to blwSysInfo (David)
- added deleteSequence() to PrimaryKeyFactory (David)
- changed cass-names of MySQLServer and PgSQLServer to DBMySQLServer and DBPgSQLServer (David)
- changed name of default-language-constant from BLW_LANG_DEFAULT to BLW_DEFAULT_LANG (David)
- changed PrimaryKeyFactory: tableName-member-variable to per class-contstant (David)
- changed PrimaryKeyFactory: createSequence(...) now supports initial-values for sequences (David)
- remove nasty eval()-call in blw_callInterfaceMethod_Tag.php (David)
- fixed bug in constants.php: changed regular expression of BLW_DATATYPE_NUMBER_SIGNED (David)
- fixed bug in base_skin/tree.js: dTree.prototype.openTo now runs without errors, when selecting an non existent TreeNode (David)
- fixed bug in blwServer: Class definition of blwModuleField is now loaded before the cache is loaded (David)
- fixed bug in blwServer: Session-Object is now cached and used by reference (David)
- fixed bug in blwServer: if there is no country-specific language-file, the default language-file is used instead (David)
- fixed bug in blw_iterator_tag: given TemplateEngineController is now assigned to the Template-Engine (David)
- fixed bug in blw_includeTemplate_tag: given TemplateEngineController is now assigned to the Template-Engine (David)
- fixed bug in blwFinderMethod: now throws an exception if there is no blwQL-String (David)
- fixed bug in blwIterator: only string values are assigned with slashes (David)
- fixed bug in blwModule: getDueDate() works now correct (David)
- fixed bug in blw_loadForm_Tag: now the variables of the parent tempalte are assigned to the tag (David)
- fixed bug in blwModuleInstaller::uninstall: PrimaryKeyFactory-entries now removed during unistall (David)

Posted by David Seidel 2004-07-13

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