

Anonymous Noel O'Boyle

The Blue Obelisk Group has been in existence as an extended community since 2002. The group first met at a blue obelisk at Horton Plaza in San Diego, USA. Hence the name. Note that we are identified by concept, rather than as persons. These concepts are [Open_Source], [Open_Standards] and [Open_Data] (but not necessarily Open Access). Many chemists see themselves as aligned with the aims of the Blue Obelisk Group. Their ideas and opinions can be heard on the Blue Obelisk mailing list, or in one of the blogs available through Planet Blue Obelisk.

If you are interesting in joining, simply subscribe to the mailing list. If you want to add content to this wiki, send an email to the mailing list to introduce yourself and request an account.

In addition, there are an increasing number of Open Source chemistry projects who, through the Blue Obelisk, maintain interoperability and promote the sharing and reuse of chemical data between projects:


Below members can list their FOAF files (Specification here).

For typical FOAF templates, inspect any of the above as XML files, and use those components relevant to you. Make sure you subject it to RDF validation!. The above list is being used as an exemplar at a talk at the ACS Spring meeting, 2008.


Blue Obelisk Wiki: Main_Page
Blue Obelisk Wiki: Open_Data
Blue Obelisk Wiki: Open_Source
Blue Obelisk Wiki: Open_Standards