
orange language project / News: Recent posts

o2clang 0.3.0 released

This version is an update version to accompany release 0.5.0 of the orange2c package. It has a complete new source layout and the first beginnings of the IO framework. Additionally the thread support has been tested, extended and improved.

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2002-06-28

orange2c 0.5.0 released

This version of orange2c - a compiler for the orange language - has a number of improvements, mainly severe bug fixes. It implements the macro system and contains a new dependency tracking tool. The code generated by this release is much more stable than from earlier versions, and the type checking conditions are saner.

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2002-06-28

orange-spec-0.2 released.

At least I've manage to release a new version of the language spec. The type syntax has changed, and some other details of the language; new operators are added (e.g. idiv), some semantics changed (e.g. for loops), etc. I'm using a great new layout, which makes the spec much nicer to read :-)

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2002-04-10

orange2c 0.0.5 released

I've just released version 0.0.5 of the orange2c compiler. this release adds a lot missing pieces of the language spec to the compiler, e.g. class variables/bindings, closures, static scoping (in closures), beside a number of runtime model changes. this release will be the last for this year.

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2001-12-09

orange-spec 0.1.1

i've just uploaded a new version of the language spec. it incorporates the last changes in the cvs, in a more handy format.

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2001-12-03

orange2c 0.0.3 release

The third packaged release is out. This includes first runtime code. Even if still nearly not functional, the compiler compiles to first "real" C code (and produce real apps).

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2001-11-24

blue is now orange

I had to rename the language, since there is another blue language around for some years. blue is now orange.

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2001-11-18

blue-c 0.0.1 released

the first release of blue-c is out! the low version number reflects the preview character, since the compiler does not do any real work in the moment. it scans catalogs, source files, build abstract trees, internal type representations, etc. most of the semantic and type checking is done and first steps towards compilation into an intermediate abstract language done.

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2001-11-15

New Public Draft

I've uploaded a new version of the blue language specification. It contains the new type specification, message call and method declaration syntax, and some other updates.

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2001-11-05

Source and spec is public

Finally I got it. First sources for the evolving compiler and the language spec are public. Check the CVS for latest stuff!

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2001-10-22

Finally blue is open

Hi to all who probably remember my plans for a new (and hopefully better) language. I finally managed to fix my plans to a degree that they can be open. Here they are. I'll publish a first draft of the language spec in the next days and hopefully a first cvs import of the alpha compiler frontend (lexer, parser, apt, type decl.)

Posted by Gregor Klinke 2001-10-09