
BlackWord / News: Recent posts

o.3 beta Released - Big Changes Made, Big Changes to Come

Black Word 0.3 beta is now avaible!

New visual, full English version, new functionalities and more to come!

Soon some bug fixes, top menu changes and more

Posted by Martins 2008-10-11

New Version Coming - Big Changes!

Soon a new version of Black Word Software!

Full english version, whole new visual and new functionalities (and more to come!)

The new BW's visual was written with the Krypton Toolkit DLL, found at

The first realease of these new beta version (0.3 beta) will come soon. Hope you enjoy!

Posted by Martins 2008-10-09

BlackWord in SourceForge!

Black Word Project is now on Source Forge. I hope users like it! It's now on its 1.0 beta version. In next versions I want to improve functionalities, maybe some changes to the visual and the maximized window mode (I prefer to work in normal window mode) and launch an English version of the project (in this version it's only available in Brazilian Portuguese).

If you download the source code and change functionalities, behaviors or something like that, please, send me an e-mail at martins_csi[at]hotmail[.]com. My intention is to see BW growing and becoming the base for others programming projects! (any suggestions, feedbacks or doubts send a message to the same email)... read more

Posted by Martins 2008-09-06