
BitAnarch 1.0.5-Alpha3 is available

BitAnarch is getting more stable and mature DAILY! Thanks to all the bug testers out there, all your postings to hkpcug.opensource really accelerates the development process a lot! BitAnarch is the most compact BitTorrent client ever. It is available in three languages, with multiple downloads support, full unicode filename support, newsgroup scanning, automation, drag and drop support, etc. you name it. With a RAM usage of less than 10MB!

Changes in 1.0.5-alpha3:
A faster newsgroup scanning algorithm is implemented
The newsgroup scanner is now compatible with most newsgroup servers
A better algorithm for refreshing the network status list is implemented
A proper IPC algorithm is implemented
Bugfix: unicode filenames not parsed correctly at the command line
Bugfix: the vertical line in "Newsgroups" tab is not displayed
Bugfix: file details does not work occasionally
Bugfix: files are not released properly
Bugfix: files cannot be resumed on some really fast machines

Posted by Kou Man Tong 2003-07-29

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