
#16 Warnings: biosig-functions have same name as Matlab-function



I'm testing the newest version of biosig (v2.61) and eeglab (v10.2.2.4b) with Matlab 2012a. In my command window apear a
lot of warnings (see file attached).

It seems that some biosig-functions have the same name as some Matlab-functions. Is it normal? Is there a way to suppress these warnings?

Thank you in advance!


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Matlab Startup Warnings

  • Alois Schloegl

    Alois Schloegl - 2012-05-28

    These warnings are all about functions in freetb4matlab. Freetb2matlab has been designed to be a replacement of some functions that are not in core-matlab but only in some add-on toolboxes. If the directory to freetb is added at the end of the path, the matlab functions (when available) will be used. Using the biosig/install.m will include the directories in the proper way. Perhaps, Matlab 2012 does not respect this order and provides warnings anyway.

    The simple fix is to remove the directory to freetb4matlab from your path. Moreover, the newly released version biosig4octmat v2.70 does not contain freetb4matlab anymore.

    Accordingly, this bug can be considered fixed. If you see any other problem, please let me know.

  • Alois Schloegl

    Alois Schloegl - 2012-05-28
    • assigned_to: nobody --> schloegl
    • status: open --> closed-fixed