
afile advanced developed

Advanced afile utility

This package includes the advanced version of `afile' utility
(included into Bogloo `bee'). The list improvements made:

* every fatal error stops the execution of the program

* it is now a fatal error, if any module file cannot be found

* if program ends with error, then no output is written

* new command line option `-I' added. The argument of this option is
appended to file search path. Output of

afile -I ../node compat.scm node.scm

now looks like

;; /jet/tmp/bigloo-lib-0.11/common
;; Wed Apr 12 14:08:55 2000

((compat #"./compat.scm")
(node #"../node/node.scm"))

* no backups (suffixed by tilde char) are created anymore (1)

---------- Footnotes ----------

(1) IMHO backup files are useful for manually edited stuff only,
which cannot be recreated automatically. Besides, `afile' does not
damage the old output file in case of exit on error

Posted by Vladimir V. Tsichevski 2000-04-12

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