
Why query slow?

  • manybubbles

    manybubbles - 2015-03-16

    This query is quite quick (250ms):

    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    SELECT ?workDe
    WHERE {
      ?work rdfs:label 'To Kill a Mockingbird'@en .
      ?work rdfs:label ?workDe .
      FILTER ( lang(?workDe) = 'de' ) .

    but its isomorph is much slower (20s):

    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    SELECT ?workDe
    WHERE {
      ?work rdfs:label ?workDe .
      FILTER ( lang(?workDe) = 'de' ) .
      ?work rdfs:label 'To Kill a Mockingbird'@en .

    Last edit: manybubbles 2015-03-16
  • manybubbles

    manybubbles - 2015-03-16

    New information: turning off the runtime query optimizer makes this faster. Ticking the box in the workbench makes it all much slower.

    I'm actually not sure that 20 seconds was accurate - now its not coming back at all....

    • Mike Personick

      Mike Personick - 2015-03-16

      This is not really a query that would benefit from the RTO. The static
      join optimizer will get the order correct on its own with this one.

      Mike Personick

      On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:46 PM, manybubbles

      New information: turning off the runtime query optimizer makes this
      faster. Ticking the box in the workbench makes it all much slower.

      I'm actually not sure that 20 seconds was accurate - now its not coming
      back at all....

      Why query slow?

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      • manybubbles

        manybubbles - 2015-03-16

        Fair enough, but, assuming my users ultimately won't know anything about RTO, I figure I have to enable it for all queries or disable it for all queries. I was thinking enabling it in all cases was the right thing because it'd significantly improve performance for some queries. If its actively worse in some cases maybe I'm just wrong - it should be off for all queries.

        • Mike Personick

          Mike Personick - 2015-03-16

          Personally I would disable it by default. The static optimizer will get
          the right answer most of the time and it will get it a lot faster than the
          RTO. The RTO is more for deeper analysis on individual queries.

          Mike Personick

          On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 3:13 PM, manybubbles

          Fair enough, but, assuming my users ultimately won't know anything about
          RTO, I figure I have to enable it for all queries or disable it for all
          queries. I was thinking enabling it in all cases was the right thing
          because it'd significantly improve performance for some queries. If its
          actively worse in some cases maybe I'm just wrong - it should be off for
          all queries.

          Why query slow?

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          • manybubbles

            manybubbles - 2015-03-16

            Got it!


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