
BGG Extended Stats / News: Recent posts

the future of extended stats

A message posted to the user list, 20090110.

I've been thinking about the future of extended stats. With a lot of
people resolving to record plays in 2009 I've added quite a few users,
and it's inevitable that I'll run out of hosting ability eventually
(though it's fine at the moment). One long-term option would be to ask
for money from the users, buy some professional hosting, and run the
site properly. That's not really where I want to go - if I'm going to
build a professional web site I'm going to do it without having to
rely on copying data from BGG - what if Aldie decides he doesn't like
my wholesale downloading, or he sells the site to someone who does? So
I think it's only fair to BGG that extended stats remain a completely
amateur effort.... read more

Posted by John Farrell 2009-01-10