
beet / News: Recent posts

beet 1.4.0_rc1 released!

After a long period in beta, the first release candidate for beet 1.4.0 is available.

Beet provides non-intrusive performance logging for spring-based Java applications. The goal is to keep runtime overhead low without sacrificing crucial details; to provide strong correlation between related performance tracking events; and to provide code-free installation.

Posted by Jason Trump 2010-01-04

beet 1.4 beta 3 available

beet provides detailed behavior tracking and performance monitoring for Spring applications. beta 3 significantly enhances JMX integration, as well as fixing several small bugs identified in earlier betas. See for details.

Posted by Jason Trump 2009-05-12

beet: 1.4 beta 2 available

Beet adds flexible user behavior and performance tracking to a Spring-based Java application. HTTP requests, method executions, and SQL statements are tracked and associated to a user and session. includes XML, binary XML, and JDBC loggers.

beet does performance logging and behavior tracking for Spring/Java applications, esp. 3-tier apps.

The new beta features

* support for Spring 2.5
* improved support for Spring WebMVC
* improved JMX support
* user guide improvements
* a new tutorial on the project site

Posted by Jason Trump 2009-04-29

beet 1.4 / beet-utils 1.2 available for download

binary packages are up, documentation is on the project site. if you have simple performance logging needs for your spring app, please download and give us some feedback.

Posted by Jason Trump 2009-04-21

Beet project site is live

Sources are now up in the public git repository, and the site is live!

We're still in the process of migrating our internal build system (which uses a private Ivy repository) to something that everyone can use, so it will be a little while before you can build from a clean checkout.

Posted by Jason Trump 2009-04-12