
BBWin Preview 0.4 available

The preview contains the following stuffs:

* The executable BBWin: it is the native service in charge of executing the agents
* The executable BBWinCmd : it is a command line utility to send messages to an hobbit server
* The Externals agent dll: it is an agent in charge of executing all your existing BB scripts or executables
* The Procs agent dll : it is an agent in charge of checking running processes
* The Uptime agent dll: it will monitor uptime of the server including an alarm if reboot recently. It was interesting to separate this alarm from cpu column.
* The external wlbs.vbs: monitor wlbs (nlb) windows clusters
* The external cluster.exe: monitor mscs windows clusters
* The agents SDK: contains an example and the necessary headers to develop your own C++ BBWin agents

After installing the BBWin package, please read the Readme.txt file to understand its working. It is located in C:\Program Files\BBWin\doc if you installed it by default.

Posted by Etienne Grignon 2006-03-15

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