
#83 validate user input

Keith Buck

Both the Backend and Frontend need to validate user
input to questions. I envision this happening by
specifying a REGEXP for valid answers to a given
question. Potentially, this could replace the
YN_TOGGLE tag; you would just specify:


for yes/no questions. For questions which specify IP
addresses, you would use

REGEXP: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}

or the like. Errors should be reported in both
InteractiveBastille and Backend (in case someone
tweaked the config file)


  • Keith Buck

    Keith Buck - 2001-06-08
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Keith Buck

    Keith Buck - 2001-06-08

    Logged In: YES


    (Badness of 6 because it could have a lot of
    unknown/unexpected consequences, normal use because a lot of
    people make typos, but workaround is just to specify correct

  • Peter Watkins

    Peter Watkins - 2001-06-08

    Logged In: YES

    For some questions, e.g. the firewall question about
    servuices/ports to allow connections to, a regexp would be
    very difficult to use for validation. So it might be much
    better to call functions for this (one function might simply
    use regexps to validate). One of the things I'd like to
    change is the way the Bastille/*.pm modules work. Right now
    the darn things run their install routines when they are
    use()/import()ed. I'd like to define an Install() method for
    each module. This would allow us to put module-specific
    verification routines within the modules themselves (who
    better to decide what is valid?); we could use() the module
    to get the Verify() routine (usage:
    Verify($question_label,$user_submission) returns an empty
    string if OK, or an error message string if not) without
    running the blasted install methods.

    As for what an error is, that's a big question. When
    Bastille asks you which users should be allowed to log in to
    the console, should the verification check
    - trust whatever you enter (maybe the user doesn't exist
    - warn in with ErrorLog() about invalid user/group names
    - reject nonexistent names
    ? (my vote: the second option)

  • Keith Buck

    Keith Buck - 2001-06-12

    Logged In: YES

    Pete said:
    > For some questions, e.g. the firewall question about
    > servuices/ports to allow connections to, a regexp would be
    > very difficult to use for validation

    Why? I agree that it can't do a complete job, but it
    should be able to prevent people from putting in completely
    bogus information.

    I definitely agree about an install/run and I think more
    error checking is needed in the backend modules to prevent
    doing silly things. But error checking the input to make
    sure it's valid is still a great start. This wouldn't yet
    check /etc/passwd to make sure it's a real user, etc.
    That would have to happen at implementation (backend) time.

  • Tyler Easterling

    Logged In: YES

    Added A REG_EXP field to Questions.txt
    If the field is present the answers are compaired against
    that field

    This data is checked in the Tk gui but not in the Curses ui.
    It is also checked against in the BackEnd...

    Currently only y|n and umask questions are checked for


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