
v.09 pending todo's

Moving towards a less haphazard release model [having hit alpha and all] , I have a 'requirements' list that the bastard must meet before it will be packaged as '.09':

* Basic string recognition [based on known data locations, and on operands to string instructions]
* Data addresses recognized as such [currently a data tends to get flagged as code]
* More accurate disassembly of sstrip'ed binaries [currently __libc_main is MIA ]

In addition, I'd like to get api.h fully commented, and would like to get the readme and the manual updated[/written].

Note that all of these areas are 'in development', and that CVS will contain the latest code. I try to avoid checking in broken code, so CVS is usually safe; in any case, the docs can be perused in CVS :

Please check 'em out. As usual, feel free to email/post bugs, questions, requests, and so on. Despite the low traffic on the board and ML, someone is listening ;)


Posted by Michael Mondragon 2001-04-20

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