
Expanding the Smi archives

  • glider521al

    glider521al - 2006-01-19

    I am having difficulty installing Mac OS 7 due to it being compressed in stuffit encoded formats of sea (self executable archiving format) and bin (?). I've tried using the cross compatibility option with the stuffit expander 9.0 (retained from trial) (<Menu>  Edit> application options> cross compatibility> "encode the data and resource forks of each file together in mac binary format".  It still doesn't work.

    I'm currently downloading Mac OS 7.0.1 through links to the apple website at:

    The disk copy utility can be downloaded at:

    How do I exapnd the archives? I've thought about using MACE with stuffit expander 5.5 for the mac.

    I know now that MACE is no longer being developed. but I was
    planning to use it as a temporary measure to get stuffit expander for
    Mac to expand the encoded OS archives.

    Does anyone know where to download the mac emulator
    Mace (for windows)?

    "Another experimental Macintosh 680x0 emulator, which has not evolved
    past early stages. Mace does not emulate a Macintosh, instead it
    emulates the Macintosh operating system and Toolbox (the ROM)
    resulting in the ability to run Macintosh software. Mace will NOT
    require a Macintosh ROM or the Mac OS like most Macintosh emulators.
    The emulation of the Mac OS and Toolbox (ROM) will be less compatible
    than other emulators. Mace will make Macintosh applications look like
    Windows applications."

    Information found at:

    Or for that matter any emulator which does not require the Mac OS.

    p.s. Does anyone know where to download ROM 68040-PPC for free?

    This is the same ROM used in G3 imacs, powermacs 6100/7100/8600 and
    powerbook 5300 supporting Mac OS 7-9.

    information thanks to:

    If you have either the requested ROM file or the MACE application please send them to me at:

    Thanks for any help

    • ken1s

      ken1s - 2006-01-23

      I am not sure about the reason, but you may try
      1. make a virtual disk about 100MB or so,
      2. then copy "Mac OS 7" installer on it,
      this may be .HQX or .BIN, or .SMI.
      3. unStuffIt the installer inside the HFS virtual disk.

    • Biafra Republic

      Biafra Republic - 2006-02-19

      What also helps is decoding any *.part.bin files before the *.smi.bin file. That worked for me.


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