
.Bas CMS / News: Recent posts

BasCMS 1.2 in development!

I'm currently developing BasCMS 1.2, using a rewritten core, and some new features. Tested versions, are available soon, using the Full Installer.

Posted by Bas Timmer 2005-09-05

First prerelease of eCMS uploaded...

I have uploaded the first prerelease of eCMS, but it is half in Dutch. That will be fixed in the next release!

Posted by Bas Timmer 2005-08-11

Original BasCMS stopped, eCMS in development.

The original BasCMS has been stopped, because the code is broken. Now work proceeds on eCMS, which will still be here on this place, but is totally rewritten.

Posted by Bas Timmer 2005-08-04

Beta 1.1 released.

We released BasCMS Beta 1.1, with a smart NetInstaller. It automatically downloads all modules, from my update server. So, all you need is an index.php file, and it's go-go-go time! I will put it up on the files section as soon as possible.

Posted by Bas Timmer 2005-07-02