
BarTex / News: Recent posts

A quick update

Hi there.

Okay, so we lied about the first release. But that's not because we wanted to. It's because we're a bunch of egocentric students that love taking it a bit further every time. :)

A lot of IRC logs indicate that in a dev channel, far far away, discussion has been going on about the implementation of the crypt algorithm. Yes, we'd like something that would take malicious, ticket-thieving thugs milennia to crack, whilst still being handy and straight-forward to use.... read more

Posted by forceflow 2007-07-01

First release in a few weeks, try-out version this week

We're going to try to polish the code up to a level where outside developers can understand and read the code; and extend it. That release will be ready in a few weeks.

However, we'll release an old version used in our theatre show. It is ugly code, but you can try it out nevertheless and grasp the concept of the program.

Posted by Parasietje 2007-04-16