
Bambi Editor / Blog: Recent posts

Coding sourceforge website...

Bear with me for few days while I'm hacking away at the website. It's a simple PHP/MySQL demo site for BambiEditor in Java Web Start mode. It will also serve as a project home page and supplemental material to that on project's SF pages.

Posted by mrazjava 2013-05-26

First release out!

While "officially" 0.9.0 is first BambiEditor release, it feels more like a zillionth release since I've been coding at it way back since 2010 sharing code with friends the old fashioned way...

Well, I'm glad we're officially on SF. Looking forward to years of frequent release cycles and continued improvements.

One of the first major updates I want to get out is self-update mechanism so that the size of binaries posted on SF will be kept to minimum and so that you don't have to download a bahemoth each time.... read more

Posted by mrazjava 2013-05-24


Finally got around to pushing my local git. Should be releasing first beta very soon.

Posted by mrazjava 2013-05-22

Initial code release coming soon!

I will be checking in entire codebase to GIT very soon. While unofficially Bambi is still in beta, it is almost production ready. I'm putting on some finishing touches and will be releasing 1.0 shortly after code is checked in.

Posted by mrazjava 2013-05-16