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Project status.

Some of those visiting (550 daily) might wonder if this project is dead, and i must say, No, it is not.
Though it is halted until late desember/early january, due to much Reallife work for me, the admin. also, some of the developers havent given words, nor answared mails, so we must take a clean up in the developers ranks. this also meens that we will bee needing new ones.

Check out our webpage to be more updated. if you sign up at our webpages you will also be able to keep in tuch with us over our forum, and post feature requests and talk with the devs.

Posted by Andre Thoresen 2004-12-01

Webserver and mailserver up

The mailserver and webserver is up again, for good this time I Hope

Posted by Andre Thoresen 2004-10-10

Webserver and mailserver down

Dident have any other place to post it.. Devs. If you need to send me anything urgent. Send it to

Posted by Andre Thoresen 2004-10-07


I want to thank the Sourceforge staff for finding the project interesting enough to aprove it... Thanks again

Posted by Andre Thoresen 2004-10-01